Strengthening Your Car-Accident Injury Case: 3 Road Conditions to Photograph for Evidence

Posted on: 16 November 2016

Upon getting into a car accident, your taking photographs and collecting evidence that is needed to prove your claims can be very helpful in the event that you decide to file a legal suit for compensation or in the event that you have to defend yourself from a legal suit filed by other parties involved. On top of taking photographs of your car and the other cars involved in the accident, you should also take several photographs of the road and the conditions that resulted in the accident.
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Expectation Vs. Reality: Will Your Personal Injury Case Turn Out How You Expect?

Posted on: 7 November 2016

Lawsuits commonly hit the press when they have unusual circumstances or millions of dollars in settlement amounts. However, most personal injury cases are never featured in the news, and these can be unremarkable in situation and ruling. Strange cases are great for public interest, but they can also skew some people's expectations for their own personal injury cases. Sometimes, the expectation will be different from the reality.  Expectation: I can get millions from just a small accident.
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Daylight Savings Time Accidents: Tips For Avoiding Accidents During Early Sunsets

Posted on: 2 November 2016

Difficulties with driving at night or in low light can be a common cause of auto accidents and auto accident cases. Whether you're a new and inexperienced driver or an older driver who has become complacent behind the wheel, it's easy to lose sight of some of the tips, tricks, and driving habits that help to keep you safe in low light. This can leave you facing the potential for a car accident injury lawsuit if something should happen.
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Who Caused Your Motorcycle Accident -- And How Does It Affect Your Case?

Posted on: 9 March 2016

No matter how confident you feel on your motorcycle, the prospect of getting into an accident probably makes you cringe. But once it occurs, you have to know how the situation is likely to play out in court, which in turn hinges on whose fault the accident was. Here are some of the ways in which fault can impact the proceedings. When It's Your Fault Hitting a car or pedestrian with your motorcycle can be an absolute nightmare.
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